About Us

What Makes Us Different

What Sets Us Apart In contrast to typical review platforms where companies provide products for evaluation, we operate differently. We distinguish ourselves by purchasing all the shoes we review directly from retail outlets, using our own funds—just like any consumer would. This practice extends to GPS Running Watches and any other items we assess. We rigorously will test new technologies, innovative concepts, and materials. Recognising that preferences in running shoes are highly individual, you can rely on our insights because we speak from firsthand knowledge and user experience, free from any obligation to express gratitude to anyone.

A Few Words About

Our Blog

Whether you run for fitness, competition, charitable causes, or sheer enjoyment, the selection of the appropriate running shoes can greatly enhance your running experience, making it both gratifying and fulfilling. On the other side, opting for an ill-suited shoe can lead to discomfort, blisters, and injuries.

Your individual physical attributes, including gender, body weight, foot shape, and running mechanics, coupled with the types of distances and terrains you cover, necessitate specific support and protection from your footwear to optimise your performance.

Sportswear companies continually innovate by introducing new shoes and technologies aimed at improving your running performance. However, the abundance of information available can be overwhelming and misleading.

The primary objective of this blog is to aid both novice and seasoned runners in finding the perfect running shoe for their requirements. We achieve this by conducting reviews of the latest offerings from sportswear companies and providing clear and concise explanations of the shoes’ characteristics and technologies. Additionally, we offer practical tips and advice on selecting the most suitable shoe for your needs!

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